
Your Ultimate How-to Guide in Ensuring Your Endpoint Security

In the IT industry, devices that are used to connect to the internet or the company’s network are known as endpoints. And as a growing organization, you should always prepare for any problems, issues, and attacks that may affect your equipment. If you won’t take action, you may face potential losses and even lose your customer’s trust.

Today, where business is mostly done via the internet, it is far easier for organizations to fall victim to cyberattacks by having a false sense of security. We’re not talking about big companies; even small businesses are not safe! Regardless your business size, you will always be at risk of becoming a victim of cybercriminals.

Here are some techniques to help improve your endpoint security:

  • Know your endpoints

The first step your organization must take in securing your workstations is having an inventory of every device, equipment, and machine that makes up your entire IT infrastructure. Everything that connects to your network should be identified and added to your IT team’s Device Catalog. This will make it easier in the future to make a complete run-down and checkup of your IT devices.

  • Create strong passwords

IoT devices often have default usernames and passwords that can be easily targeted by attackers. To limit the chances of these being entryways for any malicious attacks, it is always a safe call to regularly change the passwords of your devices. Moreover, you must ensure that your passwords are secure and hard to decrypt. You can do these by using password creation techniques such as taking every first letter of a sentence that pertains to a significant event to your life and, of course, avoiding birthdays, wedding anniversaries, and other important dates as your password.

  • Develop data security policies

Your organization should have its own set of policies in place regarding data security. A good policy defines which information are allowed to go in and out of your network. Moreover, since businesses are needed to strictly adhere to data privacy laws and regulations, a policy ensures that your organization is compliant with these.

  • Educate your employees

Cybersecurity experts say that one of the weakest links to your data security are your employees. That is why you must empower and engage them to fight threats. You can start by enrolling your employees to cybersecurity courses that will help them identify, avoid, and report attacks.

  • Use advanced endpoint security tools

Endpoint Protection Platforms or EPPs have existed for many years and have developed over time to cater to the ever-evolving threats in cybersecurity. These software solutions can help you in many ways such as keeping devasting viruses from entering your devices, setting up firewalls to filter incoming and outgoing network traffic, or by controlling which applications can be installed safely.


The last technique is the most important as it is your last defense against malicious attacks. A good endpoint security tool will help you detect, analyze, and assess anything that connects to your business’ network. An example of a tool that has these features and more is the Bitdefender GravityZone Series, it caters to all business sizes, data environment, and offers a well-rounded security for your workstations. Not only that, but these features also ensure that your organization is compliant with the latest data security laws in the country.

If you want to know more about how to protect your business from cyberattacks, talk to an expert from one of the leading cybersecurity solutions providers in the Philippines today!

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Oftentimes, organizations get victimized by malicious actors through the vulnerabilities in their IT infrastructure. Although all software products are thoroughly tested before deployment, vulnerabilities

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